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Who Am I?...

Hiya, I am Quader'a Ciera Henry! Welcome to my website!

Growing up in Wilmington, Delaware, and in foster care has been a journey of various highs and lows. During these times, I acquired a love for writing, painting, fashion, cooking, designing, and other activities that brought my creative side to life. 


In 2007, I enrolled in Milton Hershey School (MHS) at eleven years old. While my transition to MHS was not the easiest, a world of possibilities opened for my future.

During this period of homesickness, I gained a love for field hockey, where I learned to play and was captain of the high school varsity team. 

After graduating from high school at MHS, I enrolled at Wilkes University for my first year and transferred to the University of Delaware (UD). While at UD, I majored in Africana Studies, minored in Sociology, and researched Mass Incarceration while mentoring at a local elementary school.


Upon graduating from UD in 2019, I started substitute teaching in the north Philadelphia area, and I realized that teaching was my calling; it was what I wanted to do. Teaching urban students took me back to my childhood and tough days as a foster care child. Going to school was my haven, and I relished the company of my teachers; they were kind, patient, and inspiring. I want to be a haven and inspiration for the next student experiencing the world's troubles. I see myself in many students and wish to help them learn and grow into exemplary human beings. 

I also aspire to be a role model for young girls, and I vehemently promote divine feminine qualities while mentoring, teaching, and coaching field hockey. My goal is to put positive energy into the world and live with a thankful mindset.

Thank you so much for visiting my site. I hope you stay for a while-- visit my "Blog" tab, click the "Shop" tab, and treat yourself to something nice. Feel free to connect with me!



"A woman is the full circle. Within her is the power to create, nurture, and transform." 

-Diane Mariechild

Pink Sugar
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